Diplomatic Battle Eruptes Between Britain On One Side And *I urgently need support and donations.My name is Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,my bank acct.no is:4240853014,my bank is FCMB in Nigeria,my facebook acct. is www.facebook.com/chekwube.anyasoro.1,my phone no. is:+2349092171875*Russia,Iran And Syria On The Other Side Over Chemical Weapons.

The UK has called for a vote to give the chemical weapons watchdog OPCW powers to identify those behind toxic attacks. The proposal seems to have sparked a bitter diplomatic battle with Russia, Iran and Syria.
Soldiers wearing protective clothing
A British-led proposal to grant more powers to the Organization for the*I urgently need support and donations.My name is Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,my bank acct.no is:4240853014,my bank is FCMB in Nigeria,my facebook acct. is www.facebook.com/chekwube.anyasoro.1,my phone no. is:+2349092171875* Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was opposed by Russia, Iran and Syria on Tuesday.
France, Germany and the United States backed the bid, which would give the world body powers to assign blame for attacks with toxic weapons. The OPCW currently only determines whether such attacks have taken place, not who carried them out.
Britain called the OPCW gathering after a nerve attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in the British*I urgently need support and donations.My name is Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,my bank acct.no is:4240853014,my bank is FCMB in Nigeria,my facebook acct. is www.facebook.com/chekwube.anyasoro.1,my phone no. is:+2349092171875* town of Salisbury in March, which Britain blamed on Russia. Russia rejected the accusation.
The international community could not "ignore breaches of chemical weapons convention," said British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who added that the ban on chemical weapons should not be "eroded away."
There has been growing concern over allegations of the use of poison gases in Iraq and Syria, as well as alarm at the use of a chemical*I urgently need support and donations.My name is Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,my bank acct.no is:4240853014,my bank is FCMB in Nigeria,my facebook acct. is www.facebook.com/chekwube.anyasoro.1,my phone no. is:+2349092171875* warfare agent to assassinate the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un last year in Kuala Lumpur airport. 
Diplomatic battle
After three hours of heated exchanges between the delegates of Russia, Syria and Iran and those of the US and Canada, the agenda was adopted. A key vote on the British draft is expected to take place Wednesday. For the draft to pass, a two-thirds majority, minus any abstentions, is needed.

kw/rt (dpa, Reuters),Ref. Deutsche Welle.
