Syria's Idlib:Pro-Turkey Rebels Start*I urgently need support and donations:Name:Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,,Bank:FCMB in Nigeria,My facebook,Phone no.:+2349092171875 Pullout From Syria's Idlib Under Deal.

The rebel group Failaq al-Sham has begun withdrawing from a demilitarized zone in northern Syria. It is the first to do so under a Russian-Turkish deal aimed at averting a large-scale government offensive.
National Liberation Front rebels in Idlib (Getty Images/AFP/N. Al-Khatib)
A pro-Turkey rebel group on Sunday began withdrawing its forces and heavy weapons from parts of northern Syria under a deal brokered by Ankara and Moscow to*I urgently need support and donations:Name:Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,,Bank:FCMB in Nigeria,My facebook,Phone no.:+2349092171875* avert a Russian-backed Syrian army offensive on what is the country's last major opposition stronghold, according to a group monitoring the conflict.
The Failaq al-Sham group "began pulling out of areas in the southern countryside of Aleppo and the western suburbs of Aleppo city with heavy weapons, including tanks and cannon," the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
It said the group had some 8,500 to 10,000 fighters and was the third largest among those operating in the region. The biggest jihadi group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which controls*I urgently need support and donations:Name:Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,,Bank:FCMB in Nigeria,My facebook,Phone no.:+2349092171875* 60 percent of Idlib, has yet to say whether it will stage a pullout under the deal, which Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said would "prevent a humanitarian crisis."
Failaq al-Sham forms part of a Turkish-backed alliance known as the National Liberation Front (NLF),which was formed in August to counter HTS, the monitor said.
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Turkish Red Crescent aids desperate refugees in Idlib

Fears of large-scale assault
The deal between Russia and Turkey foresees setting up a new demilitarized zone*I urgently need support and donations:Name:Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,,Bank:FCMB in Nigeria,My facebook,Phone no.:+2349092171875* in Idlib province by October 15 that will be patrolled by Turkish and Russian forces.
Map showing demilitarized zone around Idlib EN
Russian-backed Syrian troops have built up a large presence around Idlib province over the past weeks, leading to concerns that an offensive on the opposition stronghold could be imminent. The UN has warned that such an attack on Idlib could result in a humanitarian catastrophe.
Syria's seven-year civil war, which began after a brutal government crackdown on initially peaceful anti-government protests, has since grown into a complex conflict involving*I urgently need support and donations:Name:Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,,Bank:FCMB in Nigeria,My facebook,Phone no.:+2349092171875* numerous militant groups pursuing a variety of interests. The war has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and led to millions fleeing their homes.
Watch video02:07

Russia, Turkey announce demilitarized zone in Idlib

tj/kms (Reuters, AFP),ref. deutche welle.
