*I need donations:Anyasoro Chekwube WM.,Acct.no.-4240853014,Bank-FCMB in Nigeria,Phone no.:+2349092171875 *. Syria's Manbij:A Town Of Great Dispute Between U.S And Turkey.

A town in northern Syria is at the center of a potentially explosive dispute between Turkey and the United States. The fate of the US-led coalition against the "Islamic State" and the future map of Syria are at stake.
The United States and Turkey are on a collision course in northern Syria, threatening to ignite a dangerous new phase in the Syrian civil war, undermine the fight against the "Islamic State" (IS) and redraw the map of the Middle East.
The epicenter of this brewing conflict is Manbij, where the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Turkish-backed rebels face off across a combustible frontline.
Read more: What do the US, Russia, Turkey and Iran want in the Syria conflict?
Regional complexities blur map of control
The SDF, a mixed Arab and Kurdish force, captured Manbij from IS with US-led coalition support in August 2016, extending the boundaries of the de-facto autonomous Democratic Federation of Northern Syria, or Rojava, across the west bank of the Euphrates River.
